Rosato IGT Toscana


Production of Rosato Rocca di Montegrossi
Derived from all the Sangiovese vineyards, including the San Marcellino Vineyard, Rosato Rocca di Montegrossi is born from the first pressing of the grapes, which remain in contact with the skins for a maximum of 40-50 minutes.

Vinification Process
The must, structured and delicate at the same time, remains in stainless steel at a temperature below 6°C for 24 hours for an initial settling. Subsequently, fermentation begins, lasting about 1 month at a temperature below 16°C.

Aging on Lees
After fermentation, the wine rests on the lees for approximately 3-4 months at a temperature below 10°C to enhance its aromas and structure.

Characteristics of the Rosato
The result of this process is a Rosato with good depth and vibrant acidity, balanced, savory, and delicately fragrant.

Annual production
Annual production is about 18,000 bottles.

+39 (0)577 747977
327 7315535
Località San Marcellino
+39 (0)577 747977
327 7315535
Località San Marcellino